Neil Smith and I are collaborating on an experimental strip called "Atlantea the Beautiful." It's about the contemporary United States, of course, but it's set in Atlantis (Atlantea) before the flood. The "Prophet of Doom" who appears here, the cynical old guy, is based on Ron Paul. He keeps telling everybody that Atlantea is about to sink, but nobody wants to hear it, much less the politicians. You can see other strips at the Libertarian Enterprise.
I had to reduce this one to fit onto the blog, but you can click on it for the full-size version.

Yeah, that definitely looks like Ron Paul.
I wouldn't call him cynical though. He tells it like it is, but overall he's an upbeat, optimistic guy from what I've seen.
You're right. Cynical isn't the right word. Maybe exasperated?
You're right. Cynical isn't the right word. Maybe exasperated?
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