Monday, September 24, 2012

All's Right with the Right — Or is it?

Buy on merchandise HERE.
I've identified myself as a paleoconservative and a libertarian nationalist, and placed myself firmly in the good area of the Notorious Venn Diagram. But if you want to call me a right-wing extremist, feel free. I'll be in good company.  To come at it from a different direction, I accept and applaud the libertarian critique of just about everything, especially in the realm of economics, but I'm also aware of the limits of the applicability of the critique.  I know, for example, that economics states that it's a short-term great idea to import illiterate peasants to pick tomatoes cheap, so that tomatoes will cost a penny a pound less.  But I also know that it's a terrible idea because while your tomatoes are cheap, your taxes will go up to provide food stamps, free education, free health care, etc. etc. to those illiterate peasants and their offspring.  In short, I'm a libertarian within the constraints of the necessary conditions for a healthy nationalism. I've been calling that libertarian nationalism, neatly enough, but now John Derbyshire says some things that might indicate that I'm actually a paleolibertarian.  He writes:

What a menagerie we have become, here on the political Right!

Neoconservatives we all know about. They are the guys who favor restraint in taxation and regulation while being supportive of free trade, the welfare state, globalization, and the World Policeman role. Neoconservatives are currently basking in well-funded triumph, having taken over the Republican Party.

Paleoconservatives are still with us, or at least Pat Buchanan and Chronicles magazine are. They preach restraint in foreign relations,traditional values, patriotism, and the Tariff.

Somewhere in between the two lie neo-reactionaries. I can't quite get a handle on this term, but I have been seeing it with rising frequency this past few months. Is it really possible to have a category that includes both Jonah Goldberg and the weird but brilliant Mencius Moldbug? (I am a regular reader of MM, insofar as one can be a regular reader of a blogger who sometimes goes two months between posts.)  [Read the rest HERE.]

Fidel Castro cartoon

He endorsed him four years ago, and it still stands.
Don't forget this stuff:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Obama Family — A Classic Cartoon

Another one from four years ago.  It still applies, except that the girls are older.  And I drew this before I had a grasp of Michelle's looks and personality.  She actually looks nice here.  Sorry.  I'll do better next time.  I'd rather be drawing the Romneys for the next few years, though.  And there's still time to get some anti-Obama campaign material.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama/Netanyahu cartoon

You'll probably have to click on this one to make it big enough to read.

And go here for Baloo's Obama stuff:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Classic Voting cartoon

Another one from four years back that'll work every time.
Daily political cartoon here:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012