Monday, February 23, 2009

Libbie cartoons

I created Libbie, here, years ago, and now I've revived her.  She just appeared as a character in my Atlantea comic strip, and now I'm making her available as T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.  Go take a look at Zazzle.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

King cartoons - thank me some day, credibility rating

Funny how modern politicians behave pretty much like medieval ones did.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Yet another blog

Hi, all.  I've just started Baloo's Sexy Cartoon Blog, to have a place to put my material that is too risqué (usually very slightly so) for my other blogs.  So you're invited, if you don't mind a little Rabelaisian stuff now and then.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama travel cartoon

My wife wrote this one.  Feminine insight into reality.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

IRS cartoons

I was preparing this one for upload, when I realized that the setting was just right for another, more timely, caption.  So I changed the colors a little and made it an Obama-specific cartoon.  These, like all the others, are available as various merchandise items at Zazzle.  A baloo cartoon mug or shirt would make a nice gift, wouldn't it?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sarah Palin campaign button cartoon

I just redid this old one as a campaign button. It's available at Zazzle.  Of course, you can also get it as a T-shirt, mug, sticker, etc.

Obama Puce Panther cartoon

Available as T-shirt, mousepad, mug, etc. at Zazzle.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


You can get this as a bumper sticker, shirt, cup, etc. at guess where?  Right! — Zazzle!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Anti-Obama Girl cartoon

This one's available as a t-shirt, mug, and many other merchandise items at Zazzle.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obama Clinton Sex Chris Matthews cartoon

I'm being hard on Chris, but he's been asking for it.  Tingle up his leg, indeed.